Workout Review: Rockin’ Body

Rockin’ Body definitely has the silly factor that will keep you smiling through the entire workout. Whether it's the fact that there's a live studio audience watching Shaun T and his dancers on stage, or the ’80s-style metallic spandex... you're sure to find something entertaining in this program.
But it actually is a decent workout as well. Most of the music is just instrumental/synthesizer music, which I think is a bit less fun than popular songs you'd recognize, but the routines themselves are enjoyable and the time goes fast. Shaun T is his usual sassy self, which adds to the entertainment vale.
Program length: 4 weeks
Workout length: If you include the deluxe workouts, you've got 8 full-length workouts ranging in length from 25 to 45 minutes, as well as a 10-minute ab workout and a 15-minute intro session that teaches the basics of the program.
What equipment is needed? While most of the sessions require no equipment, there is one strength-focused session that uses weights. It's designed as a light-weight, high-rep workout so I used 5 lb weights for this.
How is it structured? The program comes with a workout calendar that shuffles you through the sessions, with six days on and one rest day each week.
What kinds of moves are involved? Hip-hop style dance moves (and one ’70s-influenced session with disco-style moves), learning one combo at a time and then moving on (so there aren't long strings of choreography to remember)
Low-impact? Yes, and the moves that have some hopping or are more intense have modifications shown.
Interested in trying this program? Learn more in my video review or email me at to find out when my next challenge group starts! I can also guide you to my recommended sources for the equipment mentioned here, or get you set up with a different workout program if this one isn't up your alley. I'm only an email away... Let's chat!