Program Review: Clean Week

Clean Week is intended as an intro to a healthy lifestyle, for those who may not be sure about committing to a longer program. Seven days of working out, seven days of following a healthy meal plan, seven days of checking in with your coach and a support group of fellow participants.
Of course, at the end of the seven days, my goal is that you'll feel so amazing that you'll want to continue. I don't really consider it an ulterior motive when you're the one who's feeling amazing because of it ;-)
In short, Clean Week is intended to teach you that you can do this! You can fit healthy habits into your current lifestyle. It may require shifting around your priorities a bit, but once you get through the seven days, we can touch base to discuss which parts came easily for you and which parts were harder to incorporate. Since I work full-time and run this business on the side, I have firsthand experience fitting self-care into a busy life. As your coach, I'm here to help you figure out how to fit these habits into your life. We may need to get creative, but together I know we can do it!
Who's it for?
Clean Week is for anyone who wants to turn over a new leaf for a healthier lifestyle. The workouts are beginner-friendly, with simple, low-impact moves that are clearly explained, with form tips given. The videos also include an "intensifier"—one person demonstrating a more challenging move that can be followed if you want to ramp up the intensity of your workout.
Program length: 7 days, plus a bit of preparation and follow-up, so you can plan on us being in touch for a two-week period
What's included?
When you purchase your Clean Week kit for $30, you receive lifetime access to seven days' worth of workouts, plus a seven-day supply of Shakeology, and access to a virtual support group for education and encouragement.
What is needed to participate?
You will need a reliable internet connection to play the workout videos. They should play on pretty much any device with a Web browser (laptop, tablet, smartphone, gaming console, smart TV) and you can also stream them to your TV from a phone/laptop using an Amazon Fire stick or a Chromecast. The support group may take place either on Facebook in a private group, or in Beachbody's proprietary app, so if the platform for the support group make a difference to you, please shoot me an email to ask. Other than that, you will need a bit of space in your home (but not a lot) for the workouts, as well as workout clothing, supportive footwear if you're working out on a hard floor (barefoot may work fine if you're on a soft surface), and some free weights (I recommend a light pair and a heavy pair, perhaps 5 and 10 or even 15 pounds).
What are the workouts like?
Each workout is 30 minutes long. The workouts include cardio, strength work (both body weight and using weights), core exercises (both standing and on the floor), and flexibility/stretching. While many of the movements will be familiar to regular exercisers (squats, lunges, push-ups, etc.), this program does include some fun/creative compound movement combos that will keep things interesting for you due to being new and different. Related movements are grouped together and completed in "rounds" of 30 seconds to 1 minute, and in some cases are repeated a second time, but in general this program doesn't have much repetition. I did the workouts myself for seven days, and they can be very challenging—especially if you follow the intensifier—so if you are concerned about them being too easy, you needn't be... but I also think they are accessible for people with physical limitations and injuries, and depending on your situation I may be able to recommend some specific modifications for you.
What's the meal plan like?
Depending on how much you weigh, you'll be eating either four or five times daily: three meals plus one or two snacks. You'll receive a nutrition guide with recipes for seven breakfasts, seven lunches, and seven dinners, plus snack ideas and shake recipes. In general, the recipes are a combination of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and healthy fat. You will also be having fruit daily with breakfast and/or in your snacks. The plan focuses on low-calorie, high-volume foods, eaten in combination with enough protein and fat to keep you satisfied. The plan focuses on real, whole foods rather than processed or pre-packaged foods. There are recipe options for different preferences (spicy vs. bland) and the book includes vegetarian- and vegan-friendly options.
Why is Shakeology included?
Shakeology may not be essential to a healthy lifestyle—but it can certainly help make it attainable for busy people! It combines many different medicinal herbs and superfoods that we would otherwise be taking in supplement form. The whey formula is fortified to replace a multivitamin (the vegan formula is not fortified). Shakeology contains probiotics and digestive enzymes that help us absorb more nutrients from the food we eat, which helps with energy on a cellular level (this is what we mean when we say Shakeology boost energy naturally: it literally helps you extract more essential nutrients out of food you eat). The adaptogen herbs in Shakeology help the body adapt to stress, as well as supporting immune function along with the probiotics. I'm most reliant on my Shakeology to help me feel good during times of extra stress, when my regular eating and exercise habits may be thrown off, but on a daily basis it helps me make smart choices. It tastes like a treat but also reminds my body what it feels like to eat healthy at least once a day—and makes me want that feeling to continue.
What is the purpose of the support group?
My goal is for you to CRUSH this seven-day program! By checking in with one another daily in the support group, we'll be able to keep in touch and I'll know if you are having trouble or need some questions answered. You'll also be able to learn from the experiences of others doing the program along with you, as you compare notes and support each other. Lastly, my goal is for you to take away some knowledge of what makes a healthy lifestyle in general—benefits of exercise, principles behind the nutrition plan, and general tips to help fit healthy living into a busy life. In the support group, new information will be posted each day to help you learn and get the most out of our week together so the effects last long into the future.
Come try this with us!! I'll be offering a Clean Week group once a month, or you are welcome to follow it as a self-guided experience if the dates don't work with your schedule. You will always have access to my coaching via email or Messenger! Shoot me an email (address below in the footer) to find out when the next round of the program is being offered, or check out my video review for more information.