Melissa's Shift Shop Results

I never want to hear anyone tell me again that you can't get results following the modifier, because look at these results Melissa got with Shift Shop in just four weeks!! Totally amazing!
I'm so happy Melissa decided to join me for a virtual "group workout" (where we meet via video chat and follow a video together) because it turned out that she loved it! (If you want to be notified of opportunities for free virtual group workouts in the future, make sure you're part of my free Facebook community where I post these announcements.)
From that point on, she followed the Shift Shop schedule faithfully... 15-minute workouts the first week, 27 minutes the second week, 37 minute the third week, and 47 minutes the final week. She missed a few days in the stressful lead-up to the holidays but she came back to it to finish strong, instead of letting a few missed days throw her off course! We all get knocked down by life now and then... what's important is how quickly we pick ourselves back up, and Melissa showed awesome perseverance here!
She's also been loving Shakeology, which can be a lifesaver during the holidays as a sweet snack that doesn't spike your blood sugar, but rather is packed with protein to give us a sense of satisfaction and therefore can help keep us from overdoing it at the next meal... perfect for a pre-holiday-party snack if you want to avoid showing up at the party super hungry and wanting to eat everything in sight! (Shoot me an email at if you'd like some samples sent to you!)
All in all, I am just so happy for Melissa and her results so far... her hard work is seriously paying off, as I think you can see from the photos! It's been awesome to hear about how she's feeling with being more active, and she's been a wonderfully supportive member of our community too.
Melissa, thanks for being a fantastic challenger, and congrats on this super impressive progress!!
Read more of Melissa's story in her own words:
Tell us a bit about you... work, family, day to day routine.
My name is Melissa and I’m 40 and I work at a university near my home for the past 15 years (desk job). I live with my partner and we have been together over 19 years. He has been very supportive to me since I started Beachbody almost two months ago! He even took all my measurements and before and after pics!
Why did you decide to start a Beachbody program and what was your goal with it?
After five years of seeing my friend Elizabeth post her daily workouts and videos I decided to try a quick free workout that we could do together over google hangouts and I did the workout (Chris Downing’s Shift Shop) and it felt like a really good workout. After years of being a person who had an expensive gym membership and trainer and quit the gym and trainer years ago, I felt this was a really good alternative and it’s so inexpensive and I loathe group exercise classes and going to a gym I figured I’d try the 28 day workout and I’m so glad I did. You know when you just know you made the right decision and it just clicks? Yeah, that happened to me. Everyday I’ve done a workout (usually on the Beachbody app) if I don’t get my workout in I’ll walk a couple miles and/or take a yoga class which is a few minutes/ walk from my house. I started to see results in what seemed like seconds. I felt stronger, I had more energy and I felt so happy! I live in New England and we have had the coldest and wettest fall on record and I hate the time change when it gets dark after 3:30pm. Beachbody workouts have been my constant companion now! No sadness! Only strength!
What results have you seen so far... physical, mental, emotional?
I’m so happier now! I have so much energy and I am calm and just feel awesome. Healthy and happy! I’m so stronger now and feel leaner and all my pants fit! They haven’t fit in years.
How has working with a coach and an online community contributed to your experience with this program?
I love how positive everyone is and how motivating our community is! I literally think about this multiple times a day and check in a lot to see how our group is doing.
What did you like and dislike about the program you chose? Who would you recommend it for and who would you not recommend it for?
Dislike the length of some workouts, 45 minutes is a long time for me to do cardio and I don’t like burpees so modify those. I like the shorter workouts. 15-30 min is all I feel I need. Otherwise I’m clock watching. I would recommend this for anyone who wants to be active and can stay home to do it. If you are even a seasoned athlete I think these workouts would be beneficial so you can stay in shape.
What’s next for you? Upcoming goals when it comes to fitness, nutrition, self-care?
My self-care has always been number one. I eat healthy and drink my Shakeology a few times a week and I don’t drink alcohol at all (next week will be one year without a drink)! I want to keep on this track of Beachbody and eating healthy.
Any advice for someone thinking about jumping into the Beachbody world but on the fence about it?
Do it.
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