Elizabeth Gudrais, Wellness Coach

You deserve VIP treatment.
Living Vibrantly VIPs get first access to everything I offer, as well as a tight-knit online community. You have various options for participation, including a Facebook group, a group text thread, and a group within the BODi app (entirely separate from social media). The overall goal is to provide a supportive environment for your health and wellness. There are a lot of options out there, so to clarify what sets us apart, here are some of our core values and distinguishing characteristics:
Anti-diet and weight-inclusive fitness and nutrition support
Support is available for the health goals YOU choose. I may offer evidence-based recommendations to help you set goals, but I will never pressure or guilt you or treat health as a moral imperative.
Your coach (me) has experience as a personal trainer and fitness instructor, as well as certifications in yoga instruction (including adaptive yoga for people with physical limitations). This means you have easy access to a coach when you have questions about fitness topics such as form for the moves in a workout video or the best stretches to ease tightness in a certain area of the body.
In addition to prior certifications, I am pursuing an intuitive eating counselor credential.
I hold a Tiny Habits coaching certification and regularly offer workshops in this method, which is an evidence-based, uniquely effective approach to behavior change.
I am very close to achieving certification in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a mind-body modality that uses tapping along with thoughtfully crafted statements to work on the emotional issues that underpin behavior change.
As a VIP (preferred customer), you will enjoy:
25% discount all BODi supplements and products, including Shakeology, the Performance line, First Thing and Last Thing, Beachbars, collagen, equipment and apparel, cookbooks, and more
A monthly 1:1 session with me to use as you wish (fitness/nutrition coaching, EFT, or business mentorship if you are working on building a BODi affiliate business)
Complimentary access to my monthly workshops (a $97 value); past topics include Tiny Habits for Brain Health, Tiny Habits for Better Sleep, Tiny Habits for Emotional Eating, Busting the Myths of Weight Science, and Using EFT to Support Your Creative Process.
Access to our community forums via Facebook, the group text thread, and the BODi app
Other bonuses and special gifts; a few recent examples I've created for my preferred customers include a daily stretching sequence with photos and instructions; a video series on the basics of foam rolling; an audio series on my best tips for getting back up after a setback in life; cookbooks I created of crockpot recipes, scrumptious salads, and soul-warming soups; and special bonuses including my best tips for a sound night's sleep and my tips for beating the winter blues.
The monthly fee for a preferred customer account is $15.95—definitely a sweet deal considering all the value that's included! Enroll here or, if you think you may be interested in a workout library membership and supplements, schedule a free consultation to discuss package options where preferred customer enrollment is waived as part of the purchase price.