Elizabeth Gudrais, Wellness Coach

What is Success Club, anyway?
Success Club is a benchmark the company uses to know which coaches are actively working the business. If you haven't been making Success Club regularly and you would like to start, please just reach out to me and let me know. We'll work together to make a plan to get you there, and I'll even provide you with a daily to-do list. I promise that if you do a few simple activities daily, hitting Success Club is within your reach!
Why is Success Club important?
Once we make Emerald rank, if we also hit Success Club 5, then we'll start getting free customer leads from the company. These might be people who bought a Beachbody product from an infomercial, who went straight to the website instead of purchasing through a coach, or who simply went to the Beachbody website and requested access to their free coach—independently of buying a product.
If we hit Success Club 10, we start to get paid leads, meaning we earn commission—so if someone places an order for Shakeology without going through a coach, that customer is assigned a coach. And if that customer is assigned to us, then we get the 25% commission on the Shakeology order, even though we were not involved one bit with the customer's decision to place the order. These leads contribute a significant amount to my income each and every month.
I would like all coaches on this team to shoot for SC10. This means we have a minimum of five new customers each month. This means at least five people experiencing the benefits of our programs. It will be diffcult to grow your team if you are not working with at least five people every month, because not every customer ends up wanting to become a coach. Personally, my monthly goal is SC20.
However, Success Club 5 is not meaningless. If you're having a tough month and you only make it to SC5, this still means your points are doubled for the purpose of cruise dollars (for the 2016 Success Club trip) and for the purpose of Premier and Elite points (an accomplished group of coaches that get special honors such as advance registration for the following year's Success Club trip... but the requirements for Premier and Elite are the subject of a different blog post).
How is Success Club defined?
We receive 2 Success Club points for each sale of a challenge pack (combo of Shakeology and a workout program, Beachbody on Demand, 3 Day Refresh, or Ultimate Reset).
We receive 1 Success Club point for each sale of a Shakeology home direct (HD) order. If people balk and the monthly autoship, make sure you tell them that they aren't obligated to continue for an additional month—they can cancel after the first order if that's what they decide. Without the super-discounted shipping that comes with HD, they'll be paying at least $10 extra, so really, we should be offering the HD option to everyone, every single time! It's a win-win for coach and customer.
Remember that you'll need to be talking to a whole lot more people than this. Not everyone you talk with will end up placing an order. Not everyone is ready for a Beachbody program at this time in their life. Of those who do order, some will choose just the DVDs instead of the Shakeology combo pack, and some people decide against autoship because they simply don't want to call and cancel. Your commission check will reflect many sales beyond the two categories described above—but challenge packs and Shakeology HD are necessary for Success Club points.
Similarly, we receive 2 Success Club points for a coach enrolling with a challenge pack, and 1 Success Club point for a coach who places a Shakeology HD order. Remember, though, that we don't receive Success Club points more than once for the same customer. In other words, we all have to bring in new customers each and every month to keep making Success Club. I find it comforting that even the very top coaches in the company are confronting the same challenges and issues as new coaches just starting out. No matter who you are, everyone starts with 0 points at the beginning of the month, and we have the same number of days in the month to make it up to 10.